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2015-2-25 18:59| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1941| 评论: 0

摘要: 测试氨基酸可以看出你平时饮食中蛋白质是否足量,消化紊乱否,情绪睡眠有无障碍,维生素和矿物质是否缺乏。General DescriptionThe Amino Acids Urine Test offers important clinical data on metabolic, nutrition ...
General Description

The Amino Acids Urine Test offers important clinical data on metabolic, nutritional, and neurological disorders. The test analyzes 40 amino acids and provides a detailed explanation of the possible causes and consequences of detected abnormalities, along with nutritional information. Amino acid imbalances are frequently underlying factors in disorders such as ADD, depression, Tourette syndrome, tic disorder, OCD, seizures and others.
Test Includes

Essential/Conditionally indispensible amino acids
Nonessential amino acids
Gastrointestinal markers
Magnesium-dependent markers
B6, B12 & Folate-dependent markers
Detoxification Markers
Neurological markers
Urea cycle metabolites
Benefits of Amino Acid Testing

Clarification of diagnoses suggested by other testing
Indications for modifying diet
Analyte List

Alanine, Beta-alanine, Alpha-aminoadipate, Alpha-aminobutyrate, Gamma-aminobutyrate, Beta-aminobutyrate, Ammonia, Anserine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartate, Carnosine, Citrulline, Creatinine, Cystathionine, Cysteine, Cystine, Ethanolamine, Glycine, Glutamate, Glutamine, Histidine, Homocysteine, Hydroxyproline, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine Sulfoxide, Methionine, 1-Methylhistidine, 3-Methylhistidine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Phosphoethanolamine, Phosphoserine, Proline, Sarcosine, Serine, Taurine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, Urea
Specimen Requirements

25 mL of first morning urine before food or drink is required. The patient should discontinue amino acid supplementation prior to the collection of specimen.
The 24 hour urine collection requires that the patient collect every urine specimen over a 24 hour period. The patient should avoid amino acid supplementation 24 hours prior to the collection of specimen.
CPT Code

82139 (1 unit)  82140  82492  84540

尿液检测样本的各项要求 (采集前请仔细阅读)
检测项目 ,采集量, 采样前后的各类禁忌,尿液采集要求 ,采集后的处理

有机酸(OAT)(65)    ,微生物有机酸(MOAT)(20),5 mL 尿液,在采集样本前24小时内禁止食用苹果、葡萄、梨和越橘及其果汁和加工制品。使用样本采集杯采集第一次晨尿。采集前不要喝水或进食。将采集杯的盖子扣紧后尽快将样本放入冰箱冷冻,直至寄送为止。请务必在寄送样本时,将恒温冰袋置于样本旁边,防止样本受热变质。

麸质/酪蛋白肽 ,5 mL 尿液;在抽样前一周,病人最好停止食用含有大豆蛋白的食物(大豆油和大豆卵磷脂可以)。

尿酸。5 mL 尿液;

氨基酸(43);20 mL尿液、样本采集前24小时内请不要服用任何含有氨基酸的补品。

卟啉。10 mL尿液、请在采样前72小时停止服用以下一些会影响卟啉检测的药物:吖啶黄素、环丙沙星、依托沙秦(塞伦尼)、萘啶酸(萘啶酮酸片)、诺氟沙星(氟哌酸)、氧氟沙星、土霉素、那吡啶、磺胺甲基异恶唑(复方新诺明)、四环素。使用样本采集杯采集第一次晨尿。立即将尿液放入琥珀色小瓶中,避免样本受到光照而变质。将小瓶盖子扣紧后尽快将样本放入冰箱冷冻,直至寄送为止。请务必在寄送样本时,将恒温冰袋置于样本旁边,防止样本受热变质。

金属尿液(随机抽样)。40 mL尿液、使用样本采集杯采集第一次晨尿。将采集杯的盖子扣紧后尽快将样本放入冰箱冷冻,直至寄送为止。请务必在寄送样本时,将恒温冰袋置于样本旁边,防止样本受热变质。

(24小时或定时收集);40 mL尿液。无。从第二排尿开始收集。把收集的尿液放入橙色的容器中。24小时内不间断地收集尿液,包括第二天的首次晨尿。收集好后请冷藏。将尿液不断放入橙色容器中。收集的总量请在检测申请表上注明。最后将混合的尿液倒入尿液收集杯中,将盖子密封后,放入包裹中与恒温冰袋一起寄回给大平原实验室。寄出前请冷藏保存。






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