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Gaps Diet - 修补肠漏的饮食方法

2015-3-9 12:14| 发布者: admin| 查看: 14675| 评论: 0

摘要: gaps diet修复肠漏, 简略总结: GAPS 的目的在修复肠漏,改善消化系统和食物不耐受状况。跟SCD非常相似,但是有几点不同, 第一是原则上排除了奶制品(跟我们做的GFCF一致), 第二是对水果的引入比SCD晚也更加严格 ...
gaps diet修复肠漏,

简略总结: GAPS 的目的在修复肠漏,改善消化系统和食物不耐受状况。跟SCD非常相似,但是有几点不同,











The recommended diet for GAPS patients is largely based on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD).  The main difference pertains to dairy products. 

     GAPS Diet 主要源自SCD,最大的区别在于奶制品。

SCD permits lactose-free dairy products.  Lactose is a milk sugar.  GAPS and people with digestive problems are unable to digest it and must avoid it. 


Fermented dairy products such as yogurt are largely lactose free as a result of the fermentation process where by the fermenting bacteria consume lactose.  Apart from lactose, milk contains casein which will absorb through the damaged gut lining and act as a toxin in the body. 


Another problem with dairy is how it relates to food allergies and intolerances.  A milk allergy is one of the most common allergies.  Even in breast-fed babies where the mother consumes dairy products the child may develop colic due to sensitivity to dairy antigens being passed through the mother's milk. 


For all of these reasons, GAPS children and adults should not consume dairy products until their digestive system is well enough to handle them.  The diet's only exception to this is milk fat (ghee or clarified butter) because it contains virtually no milk proteins or lactose and is generally well tolerated. 

出于以上原因,执行GAPS diet 的儿童和成年人在消化系统能够很好承受奶制品之前,不要尝试使用。但是GAPS允许来自奶制品的油脂,酥油或者净化过的黄油,因为这两种油脂中没有奶蛋白和乳糖,可以被很好的耐受。

Please refer to "The Diet" section for a list of recommended foods



The essential supplements for GAPS patients:


A.    An effective therapeutic strength probiotic

B.    Essential Fatty Acids

C.    Vitamin A

D.    Digestiveenzymes
E.    Vitamin and mineral supplements.




The first and most important thing is to remove the main source of toxicity, which means cleaning up and healing the gut.  


Since this alone will not rid the body of years worth of toxic build up in the system, juicing is recommended.  Juicing provides very concentrated fruit and vegetable nutrients to the body in an easily absorbed form.  


Black Elderberry is also beneficial and has strong immune-stimulating properties and it is one of the most powerful anti-viral remedies known to man. 


        The General Toxic Load

        An important part of the treatment is reduction
       of the general toxic load.  Keep your house
       chemical free and avoid bringing anything into
       the home which will let off chemicals such
       as new carpet, furniture, and paints.  Also 
       remember that your skin absorbs just about
       everything it comes in contact with so be
       very cautious with the products you put on
       your skin.  


       Household plants are great at reducing the
       toxic air in our houses.  They consume the
       toxic gases and replace them with oxygen and
       other beneficial substances. 


This is a brief summary of important points addressed in Gut and Psychology Syndrome.  It is very important to read the sections devoted to these areas in the book for a clear understanding of each. 



大意:仔细阅读作者的书,准备好一些有帮助的厨房用具(搅拌器,榨汁机),缓慢,有耐心的操作。如果肠漏和不耐受严重,一定要从introduction diet (包含六个阶段的起始餐)开始,让身体有渐渐修复的机会。



Getting Started

Starting a new diet can seem very overwhelming. When you have digestive issues it is even worse. Here we provide some recommendations on getting started.

Essential Beginning Supplies

  • Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
  • Therapeutic strength probiotic (Bio-kult is recommended)
  • Organic meats and vegetables including meat bones for stock
  • Safer household and personal care products
  • Cooking supplies for making meat stocks and fermented vegetables

(If finances are an issue, finish the products you have and replace them with more natural products.  There are also some very inexpensive natural solutions you can find for household cleaners using vinegar, baking soda, and lemon.  Search online for some fast and easy recipes that are just as effective and cost only pennies.)

Helpful (Non-essential) Beginning Supplies

  • Food processor
  • Juicer
  • Grinder (for making nut flours and nut butters)
  • Freezer containers


Read Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. 
It is very important to fully understand the GAPS Diet before you start.  Starting the diet incorrectly may lead to unnecessary diarrhea, constipation, severe die-off symptoms, and hunger pains.

Be Patient!  Please remember that this is going to be a slow process.  You should not do the GAPS Diet unless you are willing to fully commit to doing it properly and are willing to stick it out for 2 years if necessary.  While some people notice immediate improvements, all progress will be very individual.

Start Slow.  Depending on your current diet and digestive health, transitioning to the GAPS Diet may be a dramatic change.  The Introduction Diet will be a necessary first step for those with serious digestive problems and food intolerances. 

Be Prepared.  It may be beneficial to do a few trial runs before going into the Full GAPS Diet or Introduction Diet.  Try making sauerkraut or fermented vegetables and meat or fish stocks.  Once you have a good handle on these recipes, all other GAPS foods should seem relatively easy. 

Once you are ready to start, we recommend starting with the Introduction Diet to allow your body to adjust to the changes gradually.  If you do not have serious digestive problems or food intolerances, you should be able to move through the Introduction Diet in a matter of days. 


Introduction diet起始餐

GAPS Introduction Diet

Gut and Psychology Syndrome Introduction Diet

The Introduction Diet will not be found in the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome.  Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has provided this information free of charge to all families interested in starting the GAPS diet.  It is essential to have the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome to implement the GAPS diet effectively.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommends that GAPS patients follow the Introduction Diet before going into the Full GAPS Diet.  Depending on the severity of the condition, you can move through the Introduction Diet as fast or as slow as the condition will permit. 

Following the Introduction Diet fully is essential for people with serious digestive symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, some cases of constipation, etc.  The Introduction Diet will reduce the symptoms quickly and initiate the healing process in the digestive system.  Even for healthy people, following the Introduction Diet when experiencing a "tummy bug" or diarrhea will clear the symptoms quickly and permanently usually without needing medication.


In cases of stubborn constipation, introduce freshly pressed juices earlier in the diet, from stage 2: start from carrot juice first thing in the morning and take your cod liver oil at the same time.  The juice will stimulate bile production as many cases of persistent constipation are due to poor bile production.  When there is not enough bile, the fats in the food do not digest well; instead they react with salts and form soap in the gut, causing constipation.  Removing dairy may also help. 


Food Allergies and Intolerances
People with food allergies and intolerances should go through the Introduction Diet in order to heal and seal their gut lining.  The reason for allergies and food intolerances is so-called "leaky gut"
肠漏 when the gut lining is damaged by abnormal micro flora.  Foods do not get the chance to be digested properly before they get absorbed through this damaged wall and cause the immune system to react to them.  Many people try to identify which foods they react to.  However, with damaged gut wall they are likely to absorb most of their foods partially digested, which may cause an immediate reaction or a delayed reaction (a day, a few days or even a couple of weeks later).  As these reactions overlap with each other, you can never be sure what exactly you are reacting to on any given day.  Testing for food allergies in notoriously unreliable: if one had enough resources to test twice a day for two weeks, they would find that they are "allergic" to everything they eat.  As long as the gut wall is damaged and stays damaged, you can be juggling your diet forever removing different foods and never get anywhere.  From my clinical experience it is best to concentrate on healing the gut wall with the Introduction Diet.  Once the gut wall is healed, the foods will be digested properly before being absorbed, which will remove most food intolerances and allergies.

Those without serious digestive problems and food intolerances can move through the Introduction Diet quite quickly.  However, please do not be tempted to skip the Introduction Diet and go straight into the Full GAPS Diet, because the Introduction Diet will give your patient the best chance to optimise the healing process in the gut and the rest of the body.  Skipping the Introduction Diet may lead to long-term lingering problems, difficult to deal with.


If you have decided to go straight into the Full GAPS Diet, keep in mind that about 85% of everything your patient eats daily should be made out of meats, fish, eggs, fermented dairy and vegetables (some well-cooked, some fermented and some raw).  Baking and fruit should be kept out of the diet for a few weeks, and then be limited to snacks between meals and should not replace the main meals.  Homemade meat stock, soups, stews and natural fats are not optional - they should be your patient's staples.

*Note:  Those who start with the Introduction Diet will introduce dairy earlier than those who go right into the full GAPS diet.  Always do a sensitivity test prior to introducing dairy.


GAPS Introduction Diet - IMPLEMENTING THE DIET起始餐操作
Provided by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

1.  Introduction Diet
2.  The Full GAPS Diet with the typical menu




Start the day with a cup of still mineral or filtered water.  Give your patient the probiotic.  Make sure that the water is warm or room temperature, not cold, as cold will aggravate his or her condition. 

Only foods listed are allowed: your patient must not have anything else.  On the First Stage the most drastic symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea
腹泻 and constipation便秘 will quickly subside.  If, when you introduce a new food, your patient gets back diarrhea, pain or any other digestive symptoms then he/she is not ready for that food to be introduced.  Wait for a week and try again. 

If you suspect an allergy to any particular food, before introducing it do the Sensitivity Test


Take a drop of the food in question (if the food is solid, mash and mix with a bit of water) and place it on the inside of the wrist of the patient.  Do it at bedtime.  Let the drop dry on the skin, then let your patient go to sleep.  In the morning check the spot: if there is an angry red reaction, then avoid that food for a few weeks, and then try again.  If there is no reaction, then go ahead and introduce it gradually starting from a small amount.




Homemade meat or fish stock. 
Meat and fish stocks provide building blocks for the rapidly growing cells of the gut lining and they have a soothing effect on any areas of inflammation in the gut.  That is why they aid digestion and have been known for centuries as healing folk remedies for the digestive tract.  Do not use commercially available soup stock granules or bullion cubes, they are highly processed and are full of detrimental
有害的 ingredients.  Chicken stock is particularly gentle on the stomach and is very good to start from. 

To make good meat stock you need joints, bones, a piece of meat on the bone, a whole chicken, giblets内脏 from chicken, goose or duck, whole pigeons, pheasants野鸡 or other inexpensive meats.  It is essential to use bones and joints, as they provide the healing substances, not so much the muscle meats.  Ask the butcher to cut in half the large tubular bones, so you can get the bone marrow out of them after cooking.  Put the bones, joints and meats into a large pan and fill it with water, add natural unprocessed salt to your taste at the beginning of cooking and about a teaspoon of black peppercorns, roughly crushed.  Bring to boil, cover and simmer on a low heat for 2.5-3 hours.  You can make fish stock the same way using a whole fish or fish fins, bones and heads. 

After cooking take the bones and meats out and sieve the stock to remove small bones and peppercorns.  Strip off all the soft tissues from the bones as best as you can to later add to soups or encourage your patient to eat all the soft tissues on the bones.  Extract the bone marrow out of large tubular bones while they are still warm: to do that bang the bone on a thick wooden chopping board.  The gelatinous凝胶状的 soft tissues around the bones and the bone marrow骨髓 provide some of the best healing remedies for the gut lining and the immune system; your patient needs to consume them with every meal.  Take off all the soft tissues from fish bones and heads and reserve for adding to soups later. 

The meat or fish stock will keep well in the fridge for at least 7 days or it can be frozen.  Keep giving your patient warm meat stock as a drink all day with his meals and between meals.  Do not use microwaves for warming up the stock, use conventional stove (microwaves destroy food).  It is very important for your patient to consume all the fat in the stock and off the bones as these fats are essential for the healing process.  Add some probiotic food into every cup of stock (the details about introducing probiotic food follow).






Homemade soup with your homemade meat or fish stock.
Please look for some recipe ideas in the recipe section of the book.  Here we will go through some details, specific for the Introduction Diet.  Bring some of the meat stock to boil, add chopped or sliced vegetables: onions, carrots, broccoli, leeks, cauliflower, courgettes, marrow, squash, pumpkin, etc. and simmer for 25-35 minutes.  You can choose any combination of available vegetables avoiding very fibrous ones, such as all varieties of cabbage and celery.  All particularly fibrous parts of vegetables need to be removed, such as skin and seeds on pumpkins, marrows and squashes, stalk of broccoli and cauliflower and any other parts that look too fibrous.  Cook the vegetables well, so they are really soft.  When vegetables are well cooked, add 1-2 tablespoons of chopped garlic, bring to boil and turn the heat off.  Give your patient this soup with the bone marrow and meats and other soft tissues, which you cut off the bones.  You can blend the soup using a soup blender or serve it as it is.  Add some probiotic food into every bowl of soup (the details about introducing probiotic foods follow).  Your patient should eat these soups with boiled meat and other soft tissues off the bones as often as he/she wants to all day.


Probiotic foods are essential to introduce right from the beginning.
These can be dairy based or vegetable based.  To avoid any reactions introduce probiotic foods gradually, starting from 1-2 teaspoons a day for 2-5 days, then 3-4 teaspoons a day for 2-5 days and so on until you can add a few teaspoons of the probiotic food into every cup of meat stock and every bowl of soup.  If your patient is ready to introduce dairy, then use your homemade yogurt or kefir.  If dairy is still out [by results of sensitivity test or negative reaction when introducing it], then into every cup of meat stock or soup add juice from your homemade sauerkraut, fermented vegetables or vegetable medley (please look in the recipe section of the book).  Make sure that the food is not too hot when adding the probiotic foods, as the heat would destroy the beneficial probiotic bacteria.


Ginger tea with a little honey between meals.
To make ginger tea, grate some fresh ginger root (about a teaspoonful) into your teapot and pour some boiling water over it, cover and leave for 3-5 minutes.  Pour through a small sieve and add honey to taste (optional).



Continue with Stage 1.
Keep giving your patient the soups with bone marrow, boiled meats or fish and other soft tissues off the bones.  He or she should keep drinking the meat stock and ginger tea.  Keep adding some probiotic food into every cup of meat stock and every bowl of soup: juices from sauerkraut, fermented vegetables or vegetable medley, or homemade kefir/yogurt.

Add raw organic egg yolks.
It is best to have egg yolks raw added to every bowl of soup and every cup of meat stock.  Start from 1 egg yolk a day and gradually increase until your patient has an egg yolk with every bowl of soup.  When egg yolks are well tolerated add soft-boiled eggs to the soups (the whites cooked and the yolks still runny).  If you have any concerns about egg allergy, do the sensitivity test first.  There is no need to limit number of egg yolks per day, as they absorb quickly almost without needing any digestion and will provide your patient with wonderful and most needed nutrition.  Get your eggs from a source you trust: fresh, free range and organic.

Add stews and casseroles made with meats and vegetables.
Avoid spices at this stage; just make the stew with salt and fresh herbs (look for a recipe of Italian Casserole in the recipe section of the book).  The fat content of these meals must be quite high: the more fresh animal fats your patient consumes, the quicker he or she will recover.  Add some probiotic food into every serving.

Increase daily amount of homemade yogurt and kefir, if introduced.  Increase the amount of juice from sauerkraut, fermented vegetables or vegetable medley.


Introduce fermented fish
发酵鱼, starting from one piece a day and gradually increasing.  Look for recipes in recipe section.

Introduce homemade ghee, starting from 1 teaspoon a day and gradually increasing.  Look for recipe in recipe section.




Carry on with all the previous foods.

Add ripe avocado mashed into soups, starting from 1-3 teaspoons and gradually increasing the amount.

Add pancakes, starting from one pancake a day and gradually increasing the amount.
Make these pancakes with three ingredients: 1) organic nut butter (almond, walnut, peanut, etc); 2) eggs; 3) a piece of fresh winter squash, marrow or courgette (peeled, de-seeded and well blended in a food processor).  Fry small thin pancakes using ghee, goose fat or duck fat.  Make sure not to burn them.


Egg scrambled with plenty of ghee, goose fat or duck fat.
Serve it with avocado (if well tolerated) and cooked vegetables.  Cooked onion is particularly good for the digestive system and the immune system: melt 3 tablespoons of duck fat or ghee in the pan, add sliced large white onion, cover and cook for 20-30 minutes on low heat.

Introduce the sauerkraut and your fermented vegetables (your patient has been drinking the juices from them for a while now).
Start from a small amount, gradually increasing to 1-2 tablespoons of sauerkraut or fermented vegetables per every meal.







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