这个测试跟IGg食物不耐受测试中麦奶测试有什么相关或者区别呢? 食物不耐受测试的是身体对麦,奶过敏的反应;而本试验测试的是体内本身含有麦,奶肽的高低。有些人测试出来,麦奶肽高,但是IGg测试出来无过敏反应,但是也需要限制食用麦奶食物,因为太高了,会产生诸如过度兴奋,以及一些暴力行为问题(撞墙,撞头,抓脸,伤害自己或者他人的行为)。而有些人也可能测试出来的奶麦肽低,但是食物有不耐受情况,那么当他的肠漏状态没有很好解决的状态下,麦奶肽会进入血液,也会一起问题。所以IGg食物不耐受和麦奶肽的共同测试可以全面反应问题。 尿液检测样本的各项要求 (采集前请仔细阅读) 检测项目、采集量、采样前后的各类禁忌’尿液采集要求。采集后的处理 有机酸(OAT)(65) , 微生物有机酸(MOAT)(20)、5 mL 尿液。在采集样本前24小时内禁止水果,果汁和加工制品。使用样本采集杯采集第一次晨尿。采集前不要喝水或进食。将采集杯的盖子扣紧后尽快将样本放入冰箱冷冻,直至寄送为止。请务必在寄送样本时,将恒温冰袋置于样本旁边,防止样本受热变质。 麸质/酪蛋白肽,5 mL 尿液在抽样前一周,病人最好停止食用含有大豆蛋白的食物(大豆油和大豆卵磷脂可以)。 尿酸, 5 mL 尿液 无 氨基酸(43) 20 mL尿液 样本采集前24小时内请不要服用任何含有氨基酸的补品。 卟啉 10 mL尿液 请在采样前72小时停止服用以下一些会影响卟啉检测的药物:吖啶黄素、环丙沙星、依托沙秦(塞伦尼)、萘啶酸(萘啶酮酸片)、诺氟沙星(氟哌酸)、氧氟沙星、土霉素、那吡啶、磺胺甲基异恶唑(复方新诺明)、四环素。使用样本采集杯采集第一次晨尿。立即将尿液放入琥珀色小瓶中,避免样本受到光照而变质。将小瓶盖子扣紧后尽快将样本放入冰箱冷冻,直至寄送为止。请务必在寄送样本时,将恒温冰袋置于样本旁边,防止样本受热变质。 金属尿液(随机抽样) 40 mL尿液 无 使用样本采集杯采集第一次晨尿。 将采集杯的盖子扣紧后尽快将样本放入冰箱冷冻,直至寄送为止。请务必在寄送样本时,将恒温冰袋置于样本旁边,防止样本受热变质。 金属尿液(24小时或定时收集) 40 mL尿液 无 从第二排尿开始收集。把收集的尿液放入橙色的容器中。24小时内不间断地收集尿液,包括第二天的首次晨尿。收集好后请冷藏。将尿液不断放入橙色容器中。收集的总量请在检测申请表上注明。最后将混合的尿液倒入尿液收集杯中,将盖子密封后,放入包裹中与恒温冰袋一起寄回给大平原实验室。寄出前请冷藏保存。 关于谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试的信息 什么是谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试? 什么情况推荐这个测试? 治疗的选择 谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试的作用 关于谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试经常提问的问题 什么是谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试? 测试(肽是没有完全降解的蛋白质) 来自谷蛋白和酪蛋白的尿肽是重要的,因为他们与大脑中的鸦片受体起反应,有鸦片制剂药物的作用如海洛因和吗啡。 这些化合物与大脑的区域如颞叶反应,颞叶参与语言和听觉的整合功能。 不能完全消化 这些食物的一个原因是缺乏降解这些小肽的酶。许多父母报告从饮食去除谷物和奶制品后,他们的孩子的自闭症症状有重大改善。 测试包括:酪吗啡肽.谷啡呔肽 什么情况推荐这个测试? 注意力缺陷性障碍/注意力缺陷多动性障碍 慢性疲劳综合症 关节炎 爱滋病 结肠炎/Crohn病 纤维织炎 阿尔次海默疾病 忧郁 多发性硬化疾病 Asperger 综合症 腹泻/便秘 精神病 自闭症 唐氏综合症 精神分裂症和更多 治疗的选择 限制饮食中谷蛋白/酪蛋白。 食用额外的肉类,蔬菜和水果。 食用补充剂,特别是帮助消化这些食物的酶。 谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试的作用 在开始采取限制饮食中谷蛋白/酪蛋白之前,确定尿中有多余的肽的存在。 不需要抽血取样。 只需要清晨第一次尿样。 最佳的方法是测量尿中的谷啡呔和酪吗啡含量,但也可以测试血液中升高的对麦子, 黑麦, 大麦, 燕麦, 牛奶和相关食物的IgG 抗体。然而,某些人对麦子和牛奶过敏是阴性的,尿中也可能有反常的肽由于不正常的消化功能。 关于谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试经常提问的问题 大平原实验室的谷蛋白/酪蛋白肽测试是否特异? 非常特异。酪吗啡测试测量不出样品种谷啡呔的含量,反之亦然。 你推荐采用什么方法来评估对大麦和牛奶制品的敏感性? 最佳的方法是测量尿中的谷啡呔和酪吗啡含量,但也可以测试血液中升高的对麦子, 黑麦, 大麦, 燕麦, 牛奶和相关食物的IgG 抗体。然而,某些人对麦子和牛奶过敏是阴性的,尿中也可能有反常的肽由于不正常的消化功能。 General Description The Gluten/Casein Peptides Test can determine the inability to digest wheat, rye, barley, and milk. These undigested proteins, called peptides, are associated with gastrointestinal, neurological, and neuro-developmental disorders. Urinary peptides are incompletely broken down pieces of protein. The peptides from gluten and casein can react with opiate receptors in the brain, thus mimicking the effects of opiate drugs like heroin and morphine. These compounds, called neuropeptides, have been shown to react with areas of the brain's temporal lobes that are involved in speech and auditory integration. Neuropeptides also decrease the ability to feel pain and effect cognitive function. Most people who have food allergies to milk and wheat also have problems with peptides from these foods interacting with their brain and causing an opiate-like effect. However, some individuals may not show a food allergy to milk or wheat, but have the peptide problem and vice versa. Because of this, we recommend the Gluten/Casein Peptides Test be taken in addition to our food allergy testing. Click here to view the Recommendations By Disorder Chart (PDF) What is Gliadorphin? Gliadorphin (or gluteomorphin) is a peptide derived from the wheat protein gluten. Other related grains such as rye, barley and oats also contain the sequence of amino acids found in gluten. Gliadorphin is very similar to casomorphin. Gliadorphin has been verified by mass spectrometry techniques to be present in urine samples of children with autism. Both casomorphin and gliadorphin are composed of seven amino acids, which are abbreviated below. Both caseomorphin and gliadorphin start with the beginning N-terminal sequence tyr-pro (for tyrosine and proline) and the additional pro (proline) in positions 4 and 6 of both peptides, as indicated below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Casomorphin tyr pro phe pro gly pro ile Gliadorphin tyr pro gln pro gln pro phe What is Casomorphin? Casomorphin is a peptide derived from the milk protein casein. Casein is one of the major proteins in the milk of all mammals including cows, goats, and humans. Dr. Reichelt in Norway, Dr. Cade at the University of Florida, and others found that urine samples from people with autism, PDD, celiac disease and schizophrenia contained high amounts of the casomorphin peptide. These peptides could also be elevated in other disorders such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and depression based on anecdotal reports of symptom remission after exclusion of wheat and dairy. Why are These Peptides Important? The peptides from gluten and casein are important because they react with opiate receptors in the brain, thus mimicking the effects of opiate drugs like heroin and morphine. These compounds have been shown to react with the brain's temporal lobes that are involved in speech and auditory integration. Children with autism frequently seem addicted to wheat and dairy products. Presumably, people with autism and schizophrenia incompletely digest wheat and dairy products. These incompletely digested peptides are then absorbed into the body and bind to opiate receptors, altering behavior and other physiological reactions. Testimonials “I want to express my sincerest gratitude for your research and commitment to helping people. If it were not for your work, I honestly believe that my son would not be talking, socializing or making the remarkable progress that he has been making in the past five months since starting the gluten-free, casein-free diet.” – Email to The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. "I like the work of The Great Plains Laboratory, and the book and conferences by Dr. Shaw. I have sent samples from my patients for detection of organic acids and morphine peptides in urine and now they are improving greatly with the results you have recommended." – Pediatrician from Barcelona, Spain Brochure Analyte List Gliadorphin (peptide from wheat) and Casomorphin (peptide from dairy) Specimen Requirements 10 mL of first morning urine before food and drink is preferred. The patient must discontinue soy proteins one week prior to collection of specimen (soy bean oil and soy lecithin are considered acceptable). |